Understanding the Jumbo Mortgage and Why Refinancing is Different

The contemporary trend towards expansive dimensions is palpable in various aspects of modern life. Oversized soft drinks, large fast-food meals, and expansive smartphones have become ubiquitous. However, one unlikely sector experiencing a similar trend is the realm of mortgages. Delving into the specifics, what exactly constitutes a jumbo mortgage? How does it differ from its conventional counterpart, and what implications does it hold for potential refinancing? Here's a comprehensive overview. Jumbo Mortgages As the name suggests, the primary distinguishing factor of jumbo mortgages lies in the loan limit. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac administer mortgage limits nationwide, contingent upon the…
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On Time, Every Time: How Being Late on Monthly Payments Can Affect Your Mortgage

Are you the type of person that struggles with remembering to pay their bills on time? You're not alone. People across the country regularly submit late monthly payments, inflicting terrible damage to their credit. Let's take a quick look at how paying your loan or other monthly payments late can have a negative impact on your mortgage. Your Credit Score Is At Risk As you already know, almost all banks, credit cards, mortgage companies and other lenders rely on your credit score to help assess the risk of lending money to you. Paying any of your payments late – even…
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Getting Past No: What To Do If You’re Turned Down For A Mortgage Or Other Home Financing

Getting pre-approved for a mortgage loan is an integral part of having the ability to purchase a home in today's society. With most home prices well above what the majority of us have in the bank, getting approved for a mortgage can be the deal maker or breaker when it comes to purchasing a piece of property. Therefore, getting rejected for a mortgage can feel like a huge loss. The first thing to realize, however, is that there are action steps you can take to get to "yes." Here's what to do if you're turned down for a mortgage or…
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