Understanding the Jumbo Mortgage and Why Refinancing is Different

The contemporary trend towards expansive dimensions is palpable in various aspects of modern life. Oversized soft drinks, large fast-food meals, and expansive smartphones have become ubiquitous. However, one unlikely sector experiencing a similar trend is the realm of mortgages. Delving into the specifics, what exactly constitutes a jumbo mortgage? How does it differ from its conventional counterpart, and what implications does it hold for potential refinancing? Here's a comprehensive overview. Jumbo Mortgages As the name suggests, the primary distinguishing factor of jumbo mortgages lies in the loan limit. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac administer mortgage limits nationwide, contingent upon the…
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You Ask, We Answer: What Are the Pros and Cons of Private Mortgage Insurance?

It's easy to get Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) confused with homeowners' insurance, but PMI is an entirely different thing that may or may not be necessary when it comes to your home purchase. If you're going to be investing in a home in the near future and are wondering what PMI may mean for you, here are some things to consider regarding this type of insurance. Your Down Payment Amount If you've been perusing the housing market for a while, you've probably heard that 20% is the ideal amount to put down when investing in a home; however, you might…
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The LTV Ratio: How ‘Loan-to-Value’ Works and Why You Need to Understand This Ratio

Are you in the market for a new home? If you plan on using mortgage financing to buy your next home you've likely heard the phrase "loan-to-value" or the acronym "LTV" before. Let's take a quick look at the loan-to-value ratio including why it's important, how to calculate it, and how it can affect your mortgage. What is the Loan-to-Value or LTV Ratio? In short, the LTV ratio is a number that compares how much money you owe against your home with its resale value in the marketplace. A low LTV ratio indicates that you have far more equity in…
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On Time, Every Time: How Being Late on Monthly Payments Can Affect Your Mortgage

Are you the type of person that struggles with remembering to pay their bills on time? You're not alone. People across the country regularly submit late monthly payments, inflicting terrible damage to their credit. Let's take a quick look at how paying your loan or other monthly payments late can have a negative impact on your mortgage. Your Credit Score Is At Risk As you already know, almost all banks, credit cards, mortgage companies and other lenders rely on your credit score to help assess the risk of lending money to you. Paying any of your payments late – even…
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Thinking Of Renovating? Cash-out Mortgage Refinancing Might Be the Best Way to Fund It

If you are a homeowner thinking about a significant home renovation, you have probably already considered your budget. As with any large project, you need to have the ability to pay the expected costs plus have a little bit extra set aside, just in case. The great news is that if you are a homeowner with a mortgage, you may qualify for cash-out refinancing, which can be a helpful way to leverage some of your home equity to cover renovation costs. In today's blog post we'll explore the topic of cash-out refinancing and how this unique financial product can help…
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What Is Mortgage Insurance and How Does It Benefit Me?

Are you in the market for a new home? If you are considering a mortgage, you may be curious about mortgage insurance, commonly referred to as PMI or MI. Let's explore the topic of mortgage insurance, including how it works to reduce risk and how it benefits you as the mortgage borrower. Mortgage Insurance = Risk Reduction You might not know this, but the toughest part of the home buying process for many individuals and families is coming up with the required down payment. For example, if you were to buy a $200,000 home, you may want to invest $40,000…
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In a Hurry to Buy a Home? Speed Your Mortgage Approval up by Following This Checklist

Have you finally found your dream home after months of searching, only to discover that the seller has received other offers? Few circumstances can raise your stress level as much as finding yourself in a bidding war against another buyer. However, being unprepared by not having your finances in order can make the situation even worse. Let's take a quick look at a few ways that you can speed up your mortgage approval if you are in a hurry to buy your next home. Pull Your Credit Report ASAP The first step you will want to do is check your…
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3 Reasons Why Buying an Investment Property Is the Best Way to Build Your Net Worth

Whether you have recently graduated from college or are getting close to retirement, it's likely that you have given some thought as to how you can grow your net worth. You might have invested in stocks, picked up a few bonds or have a 401(k) plan set up to help fund your retirement. But have you considered buying real estate as part of your portfolio? In today's blog post we'll have a look at three reasons why real estate investing is one of the most effective ways to grow your overall net worth. Reason #1: It Generates Passive Income One…
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How to Run a Quick Financial Health Check Before You Apply for a Mortgage

Are you planning on using a mortgage to help cover the cost of a new home? If so, you will want to prepare your finances and figure out how you will manage all those wallet-draining monthly expenses. Let's take a look at how to run a quick financial health check to ensure you are ready to apply for a mortgage. Update (Or Start) Your Monthly Budget First, it is essential to get the basics out of the way. If you haven't already, it's time to start a monthly budget to keep track of your income and expenses. Once you have…
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Owning vs Renting: Why High Rents Are Worse Than a Mortgage over the Long Term

If you're at the stage in life where home ownership is nearly within your reach, you're probably wondering whether you should start looking for a home or whether you should just keep renting. Renting is easier, people say, and it gives you more mobility. But over the long term, all that rent money can really add up - and it eventually reaches a point where buying a home is a better deal. So why is paying a high rent a worse option than buying a house and getting a mortgage? Here's what you need to know. Renting Doesn't Generate Equity…
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