Pet-Friendly Homes: Some Selling Do’s and Dont’s

Nearly 70 million American households include at least one pet, but most prospective buyers won't want to see evidence of pets in a home on the market. Here are some tips about how to sell a pet-friendly home. Prior To Listing Point out special pet features to your real estate agent -- a cat door, feeding station or a pet shower, even a fenced back yard or a dog run can be a bonus to many buyers. It's important to remember that buyers want to imagine their pets in the home, not yours! Minimize your pet's presence by decluttering pet supplies as…
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5 Tips to Make Moving With Kids Easier

Sometimes a move is unavoidable, regardless of how much you or your kids' would rather stay in your current home. If your young ones are not looking forward to a change in scenery, here are a few tips to help them make a smoother transition into their new home. 1. Involve Them Involving your children in the moving process will not only help them to better understand the move, it will also make them feel as though they are more in control of the situation. By taking them to open houses they'll become familiar with the neighborhoods you're considering moving…
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